Tuesday, July 19, 2016

the big 3: Rita, Tamara & Nicole

I'm no Zac Effron or Ben Affleck. Ur fukin wrong if u don't like them both, stupid ass. Anyway, I'm also not (plz forgive me) Steve Busemi (sorry, ur ok by me) or that freak of nature harelip Joaquin Phoenix (you suck). I consider myself lucky because more times then not I just make myself available & shit happens. If I wanted to hang with 10 particular girls, I have been lucky enuff to be with 9 outta that ten. My above average penis (as compared to a field mouse's), nor the space between my teeth has ever been a deterrent. I figured out along time ago that I just gotta be open, willing & available. If you don't make the scene, you don't know the score.
I've done many things that no one knows about, & I'll take that shit to the grave. I've lived it, you keep dreaming.

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