Tuesday, July 19, 2016

If I've learned anything from Kevin Smith movies, it's that stoners have all the fun.

I can attest to this. I've gone thru a few adventures in my time. & not to brag or boast about myself, but I will.

Exploits include but are not limited to:

teaching Sunday School - 3 yrs
managing hair salon, Dana Cole - approx. 6 years
singer in band - 5 years - 4 shows played
4 yr college degree - 7 years. A lot of people go to college for 7 years & aren't doctors.
9 months local public access hosting Halloween & Christmas show
5 yrs college radio
3.5 months stay in Chicago - I ran away with the Cirque Du Solie
20 yr drunk & 24 yr drug user
husband - let's say 17 yrs
father - 16 yrs
same job - 17 yrs

I'm kinda crispy & burnt. I forget things sometimes. I know there was more stupidity, I just can't remember it.


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