Sunday, July 17, 2016

I forgot to mention AMERICAN PYSCHO by Brett Easton Ellis, f'n doi.

So my girlfriend at the time, lets call her, uh, Nicole Aitoro, she knows that something in the book will make me happy for having read it but she worried that the subject matter was going to be the tits to me. SHE WAS RIGHT. I thank her for introducing this novel to me (& fuk u if you didn't like the movie. You don't know shit.) I love the vapid, self indulgently destructive emptiness. From throwing coins into the sea otter tank, to stabbing the kid & definitely the cheese filled PVC tube. Extra bonus, a in depth retrospective of Huey Lewis & the News. I understood his sense of never being himself & never belonging. Thanks Nicole.

 I once had a girlfriend. Let's call her Nicole A. I really adored her. But I was just a typical d-bag boy & of course screwed it all up. She's a really good person & I miss having her in my life.

Nicole, I'm sorry, please forgive me for being an asshole.

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